Welcome to Bongradio!
What Bong Radio?
Think of a moment in your daily life when you find something ecstatic or something which makes you feel blissful, may be the sunset at the end of you long day or the college couple drolling over each other in the train compartment you daily commute in, doesn’t it make you feel the need to live, live once more, live another day another minute with that smile in your eyes. It makes us the human that we try to be in this world full of other humans and the friction between us that makes us go wild. Well, let me tell you this that you are allowed, to be the child you are within, you are allowed to cry like you used to when you were a kid and did not have to control your tears, you are allowed to break that toy and see what’s inside, you are allowed to do all that but you are not allowed to leave just like that! You have to enjoy life and please do one less meaningful thing everyday to make your heart understand that yes, you are still the same person you were, when you used to jump into the mud puddles.
Easy Take It Easy …
Bongradio focuses on simplicity in life.
Malabika Manna
I find the world around me rolling out new dimensions and to add up to the edge of which I long to venture. Collateral cultural mixture around us makes me think and write the unseen, which is seen unconsciously every moment and gets registered in the subconscious. It needs a vicious explanation of which is done and that which is not done, so I remain to manifest the ideals of all kind.